Guidelines and Limitations of Aqqal’s

Quran and Hadith Assistant GPT


The Islam Quran and Hadith Assistant is an experimental chatbot designed for an introduction to Islamic studies.

The Team

Our scholarly team have have been conferred degrees, doctorates, appointments, and/or ijazahs from various institutions, but primarily in affiliation with Al-Azhar University, Al-​Qarawiyyin University, and the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM). The tech team has included developers from Carnegie Mellon, UC Berkeley, and Massachusetts ​Institute of Technology (MIT). We do NOT represent the governing bodies of these institutions, but are affiliated through alumni recognition, positions of appointment (such as ​lecturers), or enrolment (students). You can learn more about our team at the bottom of our home page.

The Assistant’s Value System

Aqqal’s Quran and Hadith Assistant has been designed on a holistic Islamic value system and epistemology. In Islam, knowledge is not segregated into "religious" and "secular" ​categories. The Assistant operates on the premise that all knowledge, whether it pertains to the natural world or divine revelation, is part of a unified whole. This approach combats ​the "secularization" of knowledge and reinforces the holistic Islamic worldview. The goal is to encourage tazkiyyat an nafs (purification of the soul) through knowledge and practice.

NOT an authoritative source for researching Islam.

This assistant is simply a preview specifically designed within the ChatGPT framework. While we take care to ensure accuracy and authenticity (such as ensuring 100% on the Batik ​v1 Evaluation by Waleed Kadous), we cannot emphasize further that this should NOT be an authoritative source for learning Islam, and should not be used to get rulings. As with all ​language models, any data that is not provided to the LLM via RAG will have a higher propensity to hallucinate. At most, this chatbot should only be an introduction to academic ​topics in Islam, and not a research tool.

Respect for ikhtilaf (Scholarly Disagreement)

Islamic scholarship includes a diversity of valid opinions on many matters. The Assistant respects and acknowledges these differences, presenting various scholarly views when ​appropriate within the mainstream frameworks of Islam. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Assistant primarily uses the principles of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.

No access to scholarly works beyond Qur’an, Tafsir, Hadith, or Lisan Al-Arab Dictionary

The Assistant is only able to retrieve data from the API, the Lisan Al-Arab dictionary, and a hadith database we have provided more details of these can be found in the ​next section.

Beyond these sources, it relies on general, widely available knowledge according to its training data by OpenAI. It is NOT able to retrieve direct citations of comprehensive ​scholarly texts beyond the aforementioned sources unless specifically told to search the internet, to which the user will be responsible for the information they receive.

No access to fatwas

Currently, the Assistant does not (nor should it have the authority) to issue fatwas, but can answer from general knowledge based on widely accepted principles of fiqh. Khilaf is ​acknowledged on ambiguous matters.

Disclaimer on Hadith Numbering

The Hadith numbering used by this Assistant differs from Darussalam ( It should be noted that there is no ‘official’ numbering system of hadith, and scholars have ​historically differed on these systems due to various factors, such as repetition of matn, narrator or compiler commentary, and different asaneed.

Contact us for Feedback

You are most welcome to send us feedback regarding this GPT - please click here for the form.

Data Sources

Below is the comprehensive list of sources that the assistant has been supplied with:

The Holy Quran API (Riwayah Hafs)



  • M.A.S. Abdel Haleem
  • Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
  • T. Usmani
  • A. Maududi (Tafhim commentary)
  • M. Pickthall
  • A. Yusuf Ali
  • Saheeh International
  • Al-Hilali & Khan
  • Transliteration


  • Abu Adel
  • Ministry of Awqaf, Egypt
  • Russian Translation ( Elmir Kuliev )


  • Office of the president of Maldives
  • Abu Bakr Ibrahim Ali (Bakurube)


  • Alikhan Musayev
  • Azerbaijani


  • Muhammad Saleh


  • Sheikh Isa Garcia
  • Montada Islamic Foundation
  • Noor International Center


  • Burhan Muhammad-Amin
  • Muhammad Saleh Bamoki


  • Muhammad Karakunnu and Vanidas Elayavoor
  • Abdul-Hamid Haidar & Kanhi Muhammad
  • Malayalam Translation(Abdul Hameed and Kunhi)


  • Fatah Muhammad Jalandhari
  • Maulana Muhammad Junagarhi
  • Tafheem e Qur'an - Syed Abu Ali Maududi
  • Fi Zilal al-Qur'an
  • Shaykh al-Hind Mahmud al-Hasan(with Tafsir E Usmani)
  • Bayan-ul-Quran (Dr. Israr Ahmad)
  • Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
  • Abul Ala Maududi(Roman Urdu)


  • Taisirul Quran
  • Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
  • Rawai Al-bayan
  • Dr. Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakaria


  • Hussein Taji Kal Dari


  • Montada Islamic Foundation
  • Rashid Maash
  • Muhammad Hamidullah


  • Helmi Nasr
  • Portuguese Translation( Samir )


  • Turkish Translation(Diyanet)
  • Dar Al-Salam Center
  • Elmalili Hamdi Yazir
  • Muslim Shahin
  • Shaban Britch


  • King Fahad Quran Complex
  • Indonesian Islamic affairs ministry
  • The Sabiq company


  • Hamza Roberto Piccardo
  • Othman al-Sharif


  • Dar Al-Salam Center
  • Muhamed Mehanović
  • Besim Korkut


  • Jan Trust Foundation
  • Sheikh Omar Sharif bin Abdul Salam
  • Abdul Hameed Baqavi


  • Dar Al-Salam Center


  • Dr. Mikhailo Yaqubo


  • Khalifa Altay
  • Tatar


  • Hasan Efendi Nahi
  • Sherif Ahmeti
  • Albanian Translation


  • Sadiq and Sani


  • Dar Al-Salam Center


  • Rabila Al-Umry


  • Malak Faris Abdalsalaam
  • Sofian S. Siregar


  • African Development Foundation


  • Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Abu Bakr and Sheikh Nasir Khamis
  • Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani


  • Society of Institutes and Universities
  • Thai Translatio (King Fahad Quran Complex)


  • Korean
  • Hamed Choi


  • Chinese Translation (Simplified) - Ma Jain
  • Muhammad Makin


  • Maulana Azizul Haque al-Umari


  • Zakaria Abulsalam


  • Magomed Magomedov


  • Noor International Center


  • Ahl Al-Hadith Central Society of Nepal


  • Ruwwad Center
  • Hasan Abdul-Karim


  • Kannada Translation


  • Maranao

Central Khmer

  • Cambodian Muslim Community Development


  • Ghali Apapur Apaghuna


  • Finnish


  • Czech


  • Mahmud Muhammad Abduh


  • Taj Mehmood Amroti


  • Shaykh Abu Rahimah Mikael Aykyuni


  • Ramdane At Mansour


  • Tzvetan Theophanov


  • Mawlawi Muhammad Anwar Badkhashani


  • Grigore
  • Islamic and Cultural League


  • Józef Bielawski


  • Norwegian


  • Frank Bubenheim and Nadeem
  • Abu Reda Muhammad ibn Ahmad


  • Suliman Kanti
  • Baba Mamady Jani


  • Abdul Hamid Silika


  • The Rwanda Muslims Association team


Tafsir API by spa5k


  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir (abridged)
  • Tazkirul Quran (Maulana Wahiduddin Khan)
  • Kashf Al-Asrar Tafsir
  • Al Qushairi Tafsir
  • Kashani Tafsir
  • Tafsir al-Tustari
  • Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi
  • Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
  • Al-Jalalayn
  • Maarif-ul-Quran


  • Rebar Kurdish Tafsir


  • Tafseer Al Saddi


  • Fi Zilal al-Quran
  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir
  • Tafsir Bayan ul Quran
  • Tazkirul Quran (Maulana Wahiduddin Khan)


  • Tafseer Al Saddi
  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir
  • Tafseer Al-Baghawi
  • Tafseer Tanwir al-Miqbas
  • Tafsir Al Wasit
  • Tafsir al-Tabari
  • Tafsir Muyassar
  • Tafseer Al Qurtubi


  • Tafsir Fathul Majid
  • Tafseer ibn Kathir
  • Tafsir Ahsanul Bayaan
  • Tafsir Abu Bakr Zakaria


Structured datasets by Omar Shafie (2021), KASHAF: The Hadith Visual Search Engine; with his kind permission.

  • Sahih al-Bukhari
  • Sahih Muslim
  • Sunan Abu Dawood
  • Jami` at-Tirmidhi
  • Sunan an-Nasa'i
  • Sunan Ibn Majah

Narrator Data (Ilm al Rijal)

Structured datasets by Omar Shafie (2021), KASHAF: The Hadith Visual Search Engine; with his kind permission.

The datasets were derived from, who have used Tahzeeb al-Tahzeeb and Taqrib al-Tahzeeb by Ibn Hajar.

Lisan al-Arab Dictionary by Ibn Manzur


The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam by Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (English Translation)

This book provides a comprehensive outline of specific everyday issues that Muslims face in practicing Islam in contemporary culture. The author gears ​discussion to modern-day dilemmas, drawing his conclusions about haram and halal from primary Islamic sources. Qaradawi is probably the foremost scholar ​of the Sunni Muslim world in recent times, still influential after his passing in 2022. He is known for taking a balanced positions on many religious issues ​pertaining to what is lawful and unlawful in Islam., making it easy for the avarage Muslim. He combines well the traditional knowledge of sharia that he ​obtained from al-Azhari with a contemporary understanding of the issues that Muslims face today.

Use Cases

These are a few interesting uses of the assistant which users may find helpful. Feel free to copy and paste these prompts.

Textual Analysis

Use Case


Comparative Analysis of Hadith Chains (Sanad)

"Compare the chains of narrators for the Hadith about the Prophet's night journey across Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim."

Thematic Analysis of Quranic Verses

"Conduct a thematic analysis of Quranic verses related to justice."

Search for Hadiths

"Find Hadiths related to honesty.”

Linguistic Analysis of Hadith

"Analyze the word 'niyyah' in the Hadith about intentions."

Comparative Analysis of Tafsir

"Compare the interpretations of Quran 18:65 by Ibn Kathir and At-Tabari."

Providing Multiple Translations of Quranic Verses

"Give me multiple English translations for Quran 2:255."

Quranic Search by Topic or Verse Number

"Find the verse where Allah talks about the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days."

Linguistic Analysis

Use Case


Lisan Al-Arab Dictionary

" 'أمن What is the meaning of the word "

Quran, Hadith and Dictionary Combination

"What is the the word ‘rahman’ mean in Quran 1:1? Find the definition in Lisan Al-Arab.”

Data-Driven Analysis

Use Case


Hadith Database Analysis with Sanad Graphs

"Find all Hadiths which have the phrase ‘deeds are based on intentions’ and model all the sanads into hierarchical tree-like 'organization chart' with strict levels ​with matplotlib."

Comparative Analysis of Hadith Chains (Sanad)

"Compare the chains of narrators for the Hadith about the Prophet's night journey across Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim."

Image and Object Analysis

Use Case


Understanding Text or Objects/Sites from Uploaded ​Photos

"Analyze this image of a mushaf nd identify the Quranic verses it contains."

Image Search on the Internet

"Find an image that depicts the architecture of the Great Mosque of Cordoba."

History, Sociology and Civilization

Use Case


Historical Contextualization of Islamic Events

"Analyze the historical context and significance of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah."

Contextual Analysis of Quranic Verses (Asbab ​al-Nuzul)

"What is the context and tafsir behind the revelation of Quran 3:7?"

Sociological Analysis of Hadiths

"Analyze the Hadiths on women's rights in the context of 7th-century Arabian society and their implications today."

Insights of Applications with Modern Issues

"What are the classical Islamic views on governance and how do they apply to modern political systems?"

Philosophy and Epsitemology

Use Case



How does Al-Ghazali critique Greek philosophy in 'The Incoherence of the Philosophers”?

Comparative Learning

"Compare the concept of God in Islam and Christianity."


“How does Islam view knowledge?”